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Friday, June 27, 2008

Sansevieria Francissii

Sansevieria francissiiSansevieria Francissii.
The owner of this Sansivera Fransisi ( Indonesian Name ) is mr. Totok - Mojokerto.
Many people confuse between this Sanse with Sansevieria Gracilis ( I will post later ).

If you have sansevieria plants pictures don't hesitate to send your pictures. Please don't sent small picture and make at least 600 or 800 pixel width

Sansivera Fransisi

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was given a Sansevieria gracilis from a friend and do not know how to car for it. It is a beautiful catus. It is in a small clay pot and is pretty good in size. I wanted to know if I should re-pot it and if so, how.