Adenium or desert rose or Lucky Flowers or Fook Hui Hwa can grow well in these conditions :
1. adenium need 5-7 hours sunlight
2. adenium can live in 5-52 degree celcius
3. watering 2-3 days
Friday, June 27, 2008
must know about adenium
Arabicum Ra Chi Nee Pan Dok (RCN)
Adenium Magic Green Dragon

This Adenium plant has small leaves and many branches, almost same with Petite Green and Magic Red Dragon.
The owner is mr. Atek Konterliem - Petemon Barat - Surabaya.
You can buy adenium from him. Here are his phone number : 031-72002251 ; 0818323801

Sunshine : Adenium Flower
This is picture of adenium flower sunshine.
This flower from Taiwan. The color almost similar with
Ye-lo adenium.
Adenium Grafting Flat Technique
There is other Adenium Grafting Technique than Adenium Grafting V Technique.
It call Adenium Grafting Flat Technique.
The advantages of this methode are :
- Less branch /scion needed.
- The result more clean and better look than V Technique
Step by step Adenium tip:
1. Use Sharp and Sterile knife.
2. Cut Rootstock Stem and scion with Flat Methode
3. Tied as shown on picture
4. Wrap with plastic bag to keep the humidity
5. Open the plastic bag and tie after 10 to 15 days.

Adenium Thai Socotranum
This is picture of Adenium Thai Socotranum.
This adenium plant has many branches. Look very nice. This picture has taken on Giant Hypermarket exhibition.
I will remain you that Thai socotranum is different adenium socotranum. For more information about adenium socotranum.
Adenium Arabicum with multi branches
Adenium Bonsai

The owner is Mr. Jai Krishna Agarwal
Lucknow, India. He has about 100 specimens in his collection.
He loves adenium very much. To him, adenium is like a living sculpture and I shape them like one. He likes to share information with people who have similar interest. You contact him here:

Tips on Viewing Bonsai
The tree itself will present either a single triangle or set of triangle shaped features. The highest point of the triangle is, in most cases, the top of the tree (called the "apex"). The right and left points of the triangle are formed by the first and second branches (the two branches closest to the ground). Most of the basic styles follow this general rule. When viewing the displays, see if you can find the triangles.
Other features to look for are good, strong, visible roots (nebari), a gentle movement and taper in the trunk (tachi-agari), a distinct apex, and well developed branches and foliage. The trunk should have a good taper, with good root formation visible at soil level. Branches should be larger at the bottom of the tree and decrease in size as they near the top. The distance between the branches should decrease as they near the top of the tree. There should be negative (open) areas between the branches to give the impression of a tree rather than a shrub. A bonsai may have areas of dead wood to give an impression of age. To fully appreciate bonsai, get down to the level of the tree and look up into it much as you would look at a tree in nature.
5 Main Bonsai Style
There are 5 Main Bonsai Style :
1. Formal Upright
2. Informal Uprigh
3. Slanting
4. Cascade
5. Semi Cascade

To make good formal upright, make sure that about one third of the trunk is visible from the front . The first branch should be at about 1/3 of the total height. The distance between the branches should decrease as you get closer to the top of the tree.
To get reasonable trunk taper can be difficult. However by pruning the top back hard while allowing the bottom branches to grow on you can over the space of a few years induce reasonable taper.
Recommended Species: Bonsai Larches, Juniper Bonsai , Pines , Conifer Bonsai and Spruces Bonsai are all suitable species. Maples can also be used, but are not as easy to train into such a conformist style. Above all, fruiting or naturally informal trees are not suitable for formal upright

To make the Informal Upright style is perhaps the easiest style to get right for the beginner. The trunk should 'flow' unlike the Formal Upright . It bend or alter their direction away from wind or shade other trees, or towards light. In an informal upright bonsai the trunk should slightly bend to the right or left - but never towards the viewer.
The style still requires a tapered trunk, however the trunk direction and branch positioning is more informal and closer to the way a tree would look when exposed to the elements at an early age. The trunk usually takes on an unexpected curve or series of twists and the branches are thus positioned to balance this effect.
The way of developing the trunk on an informal upright is the 'Clip and grow' method, where a tree is allowed to grow away, to thicken up. The tree is then cut back to a few inches, ideally above a bud and then allowed to grow on again. The process is repeated several times, each time the cut is made higher up. In a few years you will have a good trunk and can then set about forming the branches.
Jin (carved remains of dead or unwanted branches to look like dead and rotting limbs of a tree) is also more appropriate and effective with the informal upright style
Recommended Species: Most species of plants are suitable for this style, mainly the japanese maple bonsai (Acer palmatum), Trident Maple (Acer buergerianum), Beech, practically all Conifers and other ornamental trees such as the Crab Apple, Cotoneaster and Pomegranate

Recommended Species: Most species are suitable for this style, as the style does bear similarity to informal upright. Conifers work particularly well

The cascade bonsai reaches below the base of a container. The trunk has a natural taper and gives the impression of the forces of nature pulling against the forces of gravity. Branches appear to be seeking the light. The trunk of a cascade bonsai should come forward of the pot and slightly to one side. Cascades are always planted in deep pots to provide both visual and physical stability.
Recommended Species: Many species are suitable, if they are not strongly upright.

like the cascade, projects over the rim of the container, but does not drop below its base. The style occurs in nature when trees grow on clifs or overhang water. The angle of the trunk in this bonsai is not precise, as long as the effect is strongly horizontal, even if the plant grows well below the level of the pot rim. Any exposed roots should balance the trunk.
Recommended Species: Many species are suitable, except strongly upright ones. Flowering cherries, cedars and junipers work well.
Decor your home with beautiful mailbox

There are many selection of beautiful mailboxes on the market today. Many online store that offer high quality residential mailboxes and commercial mail boxes.
In choosing for the perfect mailbox, you surely considered many options including the shape, design, and the color. Choose a Mail box that you think most suitable for your home. Buy one to enhance your home and choose the perfect place to mount your mailbox.
Change you boring mailbox and make it into a thing of interest and beauty mail box, and you home will look more beautiful.
Marketing Company for Selling Plants
Some farmers and nursery try to promote sansevieria plant as new “star” to replace anthurium that become cheap. But only collectors are willing to buy. Because they already love this plant that before.
In this situation, many farmers and nursery hard to be exist. Many farmers try to find another job to keep their living.
What I tell above is really happen, and commonly for small nursery and farmers who only have little money or budget. How about the big nursery? They still survive and won’t give up with this situation. They make exhibition and promote their plants there. Sometime they succeed, sometime not.
Maybe they need marketing company for selling plants. Because Marketing Company have experience to promote products. They can promote in many way like promote plants online and other method. I hope many people are willing to buy plants and flowers again like before.
Enhance your garden with modern furniture

Another way to make your garden or more beautiful is by adding your garden with many decor accessories. Decor accessories will enhance the beauty of your deck, patio and landscape.
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Dress up your yard with planters

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Use sun eyeglasses when gardening
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House renovation with Fairmont Designs
Renovations can be very satisfying and rewarding, upgrade your home for reselling and you know an investment in new kitchen and bath fixtures will pay big dividends on the resell market. If you have any plan sell and putting your house on the market within 10 years, you must plan wisely and carefully. Don’t spend all you money for your satisfaction only, remember that you will sell your house for years later. Keeping your budget reasonable to recoup the cost of the renovation, and keep it up to date and classy without crossing into trendy.
If you don’t have plan on selling your own home any time soon, like within the next 10 to 20 years later, go ahead and make over your kitchen and bath as personal and quirky as you want it. Whether you’re getting ready to sell, or you just want a make new look for you and your family, updating the kitchen and bathrooms in your home can be a cost-effective solution, giving new life and a new look to old spaces, and adding value to your home. Bathrooms and kitchens can make lots of different. They can make you feel more comfort or make break a sale if sale your house. If you renovate your bathroom, spend your money wisely, and invest in quality products. Décor your bathroom as much as possible and do your research, check out what comparably price and spend your money with brands like Toto toilets to get the most for your money.
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Investing in quality is wise, so consider it when you want to renovate your house.
Sansevieria Koko
Sansevieria Eirenbergii
This is picture of Sansevieria Eirenbergii.
Sansevieria ehrenbergii (Blue Sansevieria, Sword Sansevieria, Oldupai, or East African Wild Sisal) is a flowering plant which grows in northeastern Africa from Libya south to Tanzania,Oman and also in Saudi Arabia.
The plant grows in tight clusters and in close proximity amongst itself.
The Owner of this Sansevieria Eirenbergii is mr. elton Mark Jimenez. You can contact his email:
Sansevieria Kirkii Brown
Picture of Sansevieria Kirkii Brown. After Anthurium, many indonesian people look for Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue : en)( Lidah Mertua :In. One of them is Sansevieria Kirkii Brown. The international name of this sansivera is Sansevieria kirkii var. pulchra 'Coppertone'. The price of this sansivera quit expensive compared to other Sansevieria.
The owner of this plant is mr. Totok - Mojokerto. If you have other good flowers or plant picture. You can send me at email provided above.
Sansevieria Donsi
Sansevieria Macrophyla
Sansevieria Penguin

This sanse has cute short and thick leaves.
The owner of this Sansevieria Plant is mr.Totok - Mojokerto - Jawa Timur. I want to say thank you for all friends who send me many good pictures of your plants. I'm sorry I can not post all of your pictures now. I will add your pictures later.

Sansevieria Francissii

The owner of this Sansivera Fransisi ( Indonesian Name ) is mr. Totok - Mojokerto.
Many people confuse between this Sanse with Sansevieria Gracilis ( I will post later ).
If you have sansevieria plants pictures don't hesitate to send your pictures. Please don't sent small picture and make at least 600 or 800 pixel width

Sansevieria Fischeri
Sansevieria fischeri.
This is picture of adult Sansevieria fischeri. The old name is Sansevieria singularis.
The owner is mr. Basuki - Madiun - Jawa Timur.
This plant is member of the Dracaenaceae family was given this name by W. Marais in 1986. It's found in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Somalia, growing in well-drained soil with some water and sun. The caudex will grow to 10 centimetres, the leafs to 240 centimetres. The flowers are white, and it can be reproduced by dividing of the caudex and seeds.
If you have other information about this sansivera fischeri, please leave your comment.
Anthurium plant - Black Silvet
Here another Picture of Anthurium plant. It call Black Silvet ( correct me if i'm wrong ).
The owner is mr.Bing - Madiun - Indonesia.
If you have good picture and want to show or want to sell anthurium plant in this blog just leave comment. Or if you have good advice for anthurium care for anthurium plant or anthurium flower and want to share idea, pls leave comment.
Anthurium plant - Jenmanii Kol
Here another Picture of Anthurium plant. It call Jenmanii Kol in Indonesia
The owner is mr.Ananta - Magetan - Indonesia.
If you want to share your picture in this blog or want to sell anthurium plant just leave comment.Any advice for anthurium care for anthurium flower are welcome,just leave your tip on comment.
anthurium plant - anthurium black burgundi
Here the picture of anthurium plant - anthurium Jenmanii. It called anthurium JENMANII SERAT GOLDEN.
The owner is - Madiun - Indonesia.
If you want to share your picture in this blog or want to sell anthurium plant just leave comment.Any advice for anthurium care or anthurium flower are welcome,just leave your anthurium tips on comment.